Proof of Student Identity and Age
    - One of the following must be provided:
    • Certified copy of the child’s birth certificate
    • Other reliable proof of the student’s identity and age, including the student’s baptismal certificate, an application for a social security number, or original school registration records and an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate.
    • A letter from the authorized representative of an agency having custody of the student (pursuant to statute) certifying that the student has been placed in the custody of the agency as prescribed by law

    Current immunization record
     - All students entering Arizona public schools are required by law to be immunized. Proof of immunization or a signed waiver is required at the time of enrollment and must include the name of the person, birth date, type of vaccine administered, and the month, day, and year of each immunization (A.R.S. 15-828) Click here for the Arizona School Immunization Requirements.

    Any government-issued photo identification of the student’s legal parent or guardian (e.g. driver’s license, passport, identification card).  If a parent or legal guardian does not have any government-issued photo identification, the District will consider alternative forms of identification.

    Proof of Residency- Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S) 15-802(b) requires school districts to obtain and maintain verifiable documentation of Arizona Residency upon enrollment in an Arizona public school. The documentation must be provided each time a student enrolls in a school and reaffirmed annually. Click here for the acceptable documents and additional information on Proof of Residency.
    Legal Guardianship or Custodial Documents – Please provide any legal guardianship and/or custody documents regarding the student, if applicable.
    Kindergarten - For admission to kindergarten, children must be five (5) years of age prior to September 1 of the current school year. We also offer Kindersteps.  This page provides information, details, and forms that outline our Kindergarten and KinderSteps programs.