- Casa Grande Elementary School District 4
- Enrollment
Page Navigation
Welcome to the Casa Grande Elementary School District!
Thank you for choosing CGESD! This is where you can find information about registration and enrollment for all schools in our district. If you have questions about your child’s specific school, please contact the front office of his/her school. If you are unsure what school your child (K-8) is designated to attend, please use Find my School (registration not required). Please be sure to fill out a Transportation Request if your child (K-8) will be riding the bus this school year- Transportation Request
For first-time student enrollment (PreK-8), please click the "New Student Enrollment" icon. For information regarding Open Enrollment, please click the "Open Enrollment" icon below. Should you have any questions about enrollment, please contact us at (520) 836-2111 or email us at sd@cgesd.org.
2024 - 2025 Enrollment Portals
Returning Student
2024 - 2025 School Year
Returning Student Registration 2024 - 2025
Returning Student Registration for 2024-2025
We are excited to announce that the PowerSchool Returning Student portal is now open. This secure process will replace many of the paper forms sent home at the start of each school year. It allows the district to verify and update all student information for your child(ren) prior to the start of the new school year. The system will allow you to electronically sign permission forms for a number of school district policies.
PowerSchool began sending notification emails to parents/guardians of currently enrolled students on May 8, 2024. Please make sure to read the email in its entirety as it contains important information and answers to commonly asked questions. The email will provide a direct link to the PowerSchool site where you can start the Returning Student form. It is recommended that you use this link for access. The email will also provide you with a unique Snapcode. This snapcode will ONLY need to be used if you are accessing the Returning Student portal via the Casa Grande Elementary School District website.
At the end of the process, the “Summary” page will show any pages that have incorrect or missing information. Any incorrect or missing information must be completed before you are able to submit. When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit”. This will send all of the entered information to the school electronically. Confirmation of submission will be sent to your email address. The sending email will be from noreplyregistration@powerschool.com . Please ensure this email address is marked as approved sender to prevent the email from going to spam.
If you have more than one child in the district, you will need to complete separate registrations to provide information that is specific to each child.
Change of Address?
If there has been a change of physical address, in order to complete the process, a new Proof of Residency must be uploaded along with the AZ Residency Documentation form or AZ Affidavit of Shared Residence. Please see our enrollment criteria page for details.
Need assistance?
You can contact your school’s front office staff to ask any general questions. You can locate individual school phone numbers on our website. For technical support, click “Help” from any form page. You can also call the district office at (520)876-3205 or email the Student Data Team at sd@cgesd.org.
If you do not receive an email from PowerSchool or have lost access to it, please call your students current school. Office hours are currently Monday–Thursday, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. There is no school on Friday.
Completing this online form is an important and required component of the student registration process for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
2024 - 2025 Returning Student Registration -English Link
2024 - 2025 Portal para estudiantes que regresan Español enlace
New Student Enrollment
2024 - 2025 School Year
- We utilize our online enrollment platform, PowerSchool Enrollment. You will need an email address to create an account if you have not previously used the PowerSchool Enrollment site. If you do not have an email address, there are several options available for free including Google or Yahoo. Online Enrollment kiosks are also available at the school site.
- Once you submit the online enrollment(s), please bring the following to the school(s) you are enrolling your child(ren). For more information, please see the Enrollment Criteria below.
- Proof of student identity and age
- Immunization records
- Parent or guardian photo identification
- Evidence of Residency
- If applicable, court documents, including those regarding legal guardianship or custody
To register, please complete the enrollment form below:
New - Online Enrollment Form - English (24 - 25)
*Después de hacer clic en el enlace de arriba,
haga clic en el icono del globo en la esquina
superior derecha para elegir español.If you are looking to enroll in COIL or our Online Learning Academy, please see the specific information below. Current CGESD students need to fill out an Open Enrollment form AND be enrolled through New Student Enrollment to attend COIL or the Online Learning Academy for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Open Enrollment
2024 - 2025 School Year
2024 - 2025 Open Enrollment
2024 - 2025 Open Enrollment applications are now available for kindergarten through 8th grade for the 2024 - 2025 school year for the Casa Grande Elementary School District.
CGESD accepts open enrollment applications from parents wishing to have their child attend a CGESD school outside their attendance area and from parents from other school districts wishing to have their child considered for enrollment in CGESD. Applications for Open Enrollment will be considered on the basis of the criteria outlined in Governing Board policy JFB-R.Students that are currently enrolled through open enrollment returning to the same school site do not need to complete a new open enrollment form. However, the family will need to complete an intent to return form for each student on open enrollment. Intent to Return Forms will be sent home with students and mailed starting January 2, 2024 and are due January 31, 2024 in order to be considered for Group A.
Electronic submission
You can complete the open enrollment application online through our secure portal. Please click HERE to access the electronic form. This option provides a quick and efficient way to submit your application.
Paper submission
Paper applications are available HERE. Please complete the form manually and return it to the school front office. Please make sure to complete all required fields accurately.
Families of 5th Graders
If you are unsure which middle school your child will attend for 6th grade, please use Find My School. If you would like your child to attend a CGESD middle school other than your home middle school, you will need to fill out and turn in an open enrollment application to the middle school you wish for them to attend. Applications will be considered following the procedures outlined above.
Families of CGOLA and COIL Students
If you wish to have your student open enroll at a school site other than their home school for in-person instruction for the 2024-2025 school year, you must complete an open enrollment application.If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Thank you,
CGESD Administration
COIL Enrollment
2024 - 2025 School Year
Welcome to the Center for Online and Innovative Learning!
The Center for Online and Innovative Learning (COIL), is an in-person public K-8 school located in Casa Grande, AZ. During COILs second year, we will serve K-7 students. At COIL, we place our student's current and future needs at the forefront of what we do. Students engage in personalized, project-based learning environments focusing on STEM practices and 21st Century Skill Development. COIL students will have an interest in computing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (C-STEM) We do this by surrounding each of our students with a team of highly-qualified educators, ensuring that everyone's unique talents and abilities shine through daily.
Open EnrollmentSubmit one open enrollment application per child you would like to enroll at COIL. Students that are currently enrolled through open enrollment returning to the same school site do not need to complete a new open enrollment form. However, the family will need to complete an intent to return form for each student on open enrollment. Intent to Return Forms will be sent home WITH students and mailed starting January 2, 2024 and are due January 31, 2024 in order to be considered for Group A.Students will be accepted in priority order per CGESD's Open Enrollment Policy. Open enrollment applications will be accepted through the link below.Limited space is available. Please complete an OPEN ENROLLMENT form first. Once you have received approval, you will then complete the necessary Online Enrollment. Please visit our COIL Enrollment pagefor additional information. Still have questions? Call (520) 836-6694
2025 - 2026 Enrollment Portals
Returning Student
2025 - 2026 Coming Soon
New Student Enrollment
2025 - 2026 School Year
Thank you for choosing to enroll with CGESD! If you're unsure which school your child (K-8) is assigned to, please call transportation at (520) 836-5231.
We utilize our online enrollment platform, PowerSchool Enrollment. If you haven’t used PowerSchool Enrollment before, you will need an email address to create an account. If you don’t have an email address, free options like Google or Yahoo are available. You can also use our online enrollment kiosks at the schools.
After submitting your online enrollment(s), please bring the following documents to the school(s) where your child(ren) are being enrolled. For more details, refer to the enrollment criteria below:
Proof of student identity and age (birth certificate, baptismal certificate or original school registration records and an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate, a letter from the authorized representative of an agency having custody of the student (pursuant to statute) certifying that the student has been placed in the custody of the agency as prescribed by law)
Immunization records
Parent or guardian photo ID
Evidence of Residency (Valid Arizona Address Confidentiality Program authorization card, Real estate deed or mortgage documents, Property tax bill - Residential lease or rental agreement, Water, electric, gas, cable, or telephone bill (Note: The bill must list the service address not the mailing address), Certificate of tribal enrollment or other identification issued by a recognized Indian tribe that contains an Arizona address, Documentation from a state, tribal or federal government agency (such as the Social Security Administration, the Veteran’s Administration, or the Arizona Department of Economic Security), Temporary on-base billeting facility (for military families), Bank or credit card statements, W-2 wage statement, Payroll stub, An Arizona driver’s license, Arizona identification card, Arizona motor vehicle registration, or A Notarized Affidavit of Shared Residency)
If applicable, court documents (e.g., legal guardianship or custody)
For first-time student enrollment in our district, please complete the New Student Enrollment Form below. Returning students will need to complete the Returning Student Enrollment form. Emails will be sent at a later date.
Nuevo - Formulario de Inscripción en Línea - Español (25-26)
*Después de hacer clic en el enlace de arriba, haga clic en el icono del globo terráqueo en la esquina superior derecha para seleccionar español.
If you wish to enroll your student at COIL, please refer to the specific information for COIL Enrollment 2025-2026 School Year.
Open Enrollment
2025 - 2026 School Year
2025 - 2026 Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment applications are now available for kindergarten through 8th grade for the 2025 - 2026 school year for the Casa Grande Elementary School District.
CGESD accepts open enrollment applications from parents wishing to have their child attend a CGESD school outside their attendance area and from parents from other school districts wanting to have their child considered for enrollment in CGESD. Applications for Open Enrollment will be considered based on the criteria outlined in Governing Board Regulation JFB-R.Students who are currently enrolled through open enrollment and wish to return to the same school site for next year do not need to complete a new open enrollment form. However, the family must complete an Intent to Return form for each child on open enrollment. Intent to Return forms were sent home with students and mailed the first week of December and are due January 31, 2025, to be considered for Group A.
You can complete the open enrollment application online through Google Forms. Please click the Google Form for the school you would like to apply for Open Enrollment. This option provides a quick and efficient way to submit your application. If you wish to apply for open enrollment at another school, you will need to complete a new open enrollment form for each school separately. Additionally, you will need to complete a new open enrollment form for each child you wish to have considered for acceptance. Completion and submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance at the school. The school will notify you if and when your child is accepted, denied, or placed on a waitlist. If you have additional questions, please contact the school site.
Paper submission
Paper applications are available HERE. If you prefer to complete a hardcopy of the Open Enrollment application, please print and complete the form manually and return it to the school front office. Please make sure to complete all required fields accurately.
Families of 5th Graders
If you are unsure which middle school your child will attend for 6th grade, please use Find My School. If you would like your child to attend a CGESD middle school other than your assigned home middle school, you will need to complete and submit an open enrollment application to the middle school you want them to attend. Applications will be considered following the procedures outlined in policy.If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Thank you,
CGESD Administration
Enrollment Links
- 25-26 Cholla Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Desert Willow Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Cottonwood Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Ironwood Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Mesquite Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Saguaro Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 McCartney Ranch Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Palo Verde Elementary School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 COIL Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Casa Grande Middle School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Cactus Middle School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Villago Middle School Open Enrollment
- 25-26 Cholla Elementary School Open Enrollment
COIL Enrollment
2025 - 2026 School Year
Welcome to the Center for Online and Innovative Learning
The Center for Online and Innovative Learning (COIL), is an in-person public K-8 school located in Casa Grande, AZ. At COIL, we place our student's current and future needs at the forefront of what we do. Students engage in personalized, project-based learning environments focusing on STEM practices and 21st Century Skill Development. COIL students will have an interest in computing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (C-STEM) We do this by surrounding each of our students with a team of highly-qualified educators, ensuring that everyone's unique talents and abilities shine through daily.
Open EnrollmentSubmit one open enrollment application per child you would like to enroll at COIL. Students that are currently enrolled through open enrollment returning to the same school site do not need to complete a new open enrollment form. However, the family will need to complete an intent to return form for each student on open enrollment. Intent to Return Forms will be sent home WITH students and mailed the first week of December and are due January 31, 2025 in order to be considered for Group A.Students will be accepted in priority order per CGESD's Open Enrollment Policy. Open enrollment applications will be accepted through the link below.