Community Use of Facilities

  • Submit an application or schedule an event as a Community User

    First time community users will be directed to a page that displays the system-wide calendar of scheduled events.  To login please click "Login to Request Facility Use" next to "Welcome Guest!" at the top right corner of the page.

    *Members of an outside organization that wish to apply to use school facilities will first need to request authorized access at the above link.

Additional Information

  • For more information contact the facility department at 520-836-4782 or email mention Facility Use in your title).

    CANCELLATIONS: Should you need to cancel your event(s), please do so at least 72 hours prior to the event start date, otherwise you will still be responsible for any fees that may have been applied to your event.

    POWER OUTAGE/INCLEMENT WEATHER: Should the district close school for any reason, all group events will be canceled as well.

    EVENT SUPERVISION: CGESD policy requires a CGESD employee to be at the school for all scheduled events. Normally that employee will be a school custodian.

    INSURANCE:  Note: State law mandates that all persons or groups who request the use of school facilities shall submit proof of liability insurance for such use. A “binder” or copy of the insurance policy must be submitted to the school district. If the requester must purchase insurance for such coverage, Casa Grande Elementary Schools should be named as a co-insured party. This requirement must be met prior to the approval of your request for use of facilities.

    FACILITY USE COST RECOVERY FEES: Hourly fees are charged to recover utility costs, supply costs, and wages. These fees are set at a rate to recover the cost of holding events and are not intended to generate additional revenue for the schools.


    1. How long does it take to process my Community User application?

      We ask that you submit your application at least 15 school days prior to your event. This will give everyone involved time to process their part of the application process.

    2. How long does it take the school to approve my schedule request?

      Please submit your schedule request at least 15 school days prior to the event date to allow everyone involved to process their part of the schedule request. Approval time can vary as the school staff is very busy. As long as your account is set up to receive emails, you should receive an auto-generated email from Dude Solutions, once the school approves your schedule. Please be sure to check your spam folders as well. Once your schedule has been approved, it will be routed to the Facility Director for final approval and activation. You will be contacted if there is an issue. Or if this step is completed, you will receive an auto-generated email, which is the final step of the approval process.

    3. How much does the required liability insurance cost?

      Insurance requirements are listed in our Policies and Procedures. Once we receive your application, we will also email you the insurance requirements. Please contact your insurance agent for questions regarding insurance costs.

    4. Will fees apply to my event and if so, how much?

      Fees vary depending on the area used, non-profit status, etc. The Fee Table file located in the information area will give you an idea of the fees charged. Once you have an approved schedule, you may email us with your schedule id number, and request a free estimate.

    5. How do I pay my fees? 

      You will receive an email a couple of weeks after your event. We process invoices after the event. The invoice will be sent to the email address you used to register your organization. We accept check payments and the address for remitting your payment will be located on the invoice itself. Payments are due 15 days from the invoice date. (A future option of paying by credit card through My School Bucks is being researched.)

    6. What should I do if I need to cancel my event(s)?

      Should you need to cancel; please do so through online scheduling and email the cancellation information at least 72 hours prior to your event date. Please include your schedule id number and what date/dates you are canceling.