- Casa Grande Elementary School District 4
- Governing Board
The Governing Board of the Casa Grande Elementary School District consists of 5 elected members that play an important role in developing and approving policies that guide the operation of our District. Implementation of these policies is overseen by the Superintendent and District staff.
Empowered to function within the framework established by the Arizona State Legislature, court decisions, opinions of the Attorney General and county council, and applicable State and Federal regulations. The Board fulfills its mission by executing the following duties:
- Approving courses of study and instructional materials
- Adopting a budget for each fiscal year from July 1st through June 30th
- Approving funds for the planning, expansion, improvement, construction, maintenance, use, furnishing and financing of buildings
Governing Board Members
President - Blanca Varela
President Pro Tem - Lorenza "Dindy" Martinez
Jerry Stabley
Adelphia Sisson
Bruce Schutt
Meeting Information
Regular meetings of the Governing Board are held at 6:00 p.m. in the Governing Board Room at the Administrative Offices, 220 West Kortsen Road, in Casa Grande, usually on the second Tuesday of each month.
At least 24 hours before a Board meeting, a public notice is physically posted beside the entrance doors to the District administrative offices and on the District website. Also available, at least 24 hours before a Board meeting, are the agenda and related materials. These may be obtained by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
All Board meetings, except executive sessions, are open to the public. Under Arizona law, the Board may call an executive session to discuss matters including, but not limited to, personnel matters, the purchase or lease of real property, meet-and-confer discussions, and issues requiring consultation with the District's legal counsel.
The public is invited to speak to the Board on any subject within the jurisdiction of the Board. Requests to address the Governing Board may be made by filling out a form that is available in the Governing Board Room prior to each meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes.
The purpose of the Board's call to the public is to allow individuals to address the Board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board. At the conclusion of the call to the public, the individual Board members may 1) respond to criticism made by those who addressed the Board, 2) ask staff to review a matter, or 3) ask that a matter is put on a future agenda. Board members will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during the call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.
Courtesy Post/Public Notice:
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, a courtesy notice is hereby given to the members of Casa Grande Elementary School District Governing Board members and to the general public that it is possible that a majority, if not all, of the Board Members, may attend the events listed below. There will be no discussions, decisions, or action taken by the Governing Board.
ASBA Sponsored Events
Community Events
District/Athletic Events
Promotion/Graduation Ceremonies
Casa Grande Chamber and Town Events
School Events
Weddings and Other Celebrations
Board Meeting Minutes
2021 - 2022 Board Meeting Minutes