• What does the PTO do? 
    The PTO is responsible for raising money for things that the school and teachers need.  These things include play equipment, teacher supplies and requests, educational computer programs, large purchases such as shade covering for the playground, field trips such as JA Biztown, and much more.  

    How can parents help?
    Attending school events, donating prizes for fundraisers, and giving of your time and talents are the ways that parents can help the PTO succeed.  We are always looking for people willing to donate their time.  We are all busy!  But the more volunteers we have, the easier it is on all of us and the more fun things we can do.

    How can I get more info about PTO events?
    Sign up for our emails!  We only send out a couple a month and they only include announcements about upcoming events and reminders.  Don't be afraid to sign up for our emails!  If we have your email address, we do not use it to sign you up for volunteering.  It is just the easiest way to get information out quickly to families.  If you would like to be included in our emails, please sent us your name and email address at McCartneyPTO@gmail.com  

    What events are coming up? View district calendar 

    Fry's Rewards
    McCartney Ranch PTO participates in the Fry's Community Rewards Program.  By linking your Fry's card to our school, a portion of all your purchases come back to our school.  On several occasions, we have received checks of over $1,500 from our families shopping at Fry's!  Please see a PTO member to get instructions on how to link your card with our school.  It is quick and easy, especially if you already have a fry's app or account online.