•  2631 N Brown Ave
    Casa Grande, AZ 85122
    (520) 876-4235

    Saddle Up for Success!

    Success through inspiration, connection, and opportunity.


    At McCartney Ranch, we are dedicated to the safety, achievement, and development of every child. Working as a team with families, our teachers and staff have accepted their responsibility for enriching the lives of all students. One visit to McCartney Ranch will provide a tangible example of how our welcoming staff of over 60 adults is committed to each of our 700 students. Every department within our school is committed to excellence in serving our student body and meeting individual needs of our students. Every student matters, and we take pride in doing our very best to open doors for continued student achievement. 

    While curriculum and academics remain cornerstones of our instructional practice, we also work diligently to promote social learning and personal growth within each child. Students at McCartney Ranch are encouraged and expected to follow the Mustang CODE (Careful, Open-Hearted, Dedicated and Everyone Counts) daily. As part of our positive behavior support system, meeting these expectations helps students foster a positive attitude toward their commitment to being an integral part of a successful learning community.

Staff Job Title Email
Jessica Quiñones Principal Jessica.Quinones@cgesd.org
Amanda Avery TOA amanda.avery@cgesd.org