
  • TARDIES- Students arriving after 7:45 are considered tardy.

    ABSENCE REPORTING- Due to Arizona state guidelines, absences MUST be called in on the day of the students' absence to mark them excused. Excused absences are; illness, doctor appointments, bereavement, or family emergencies. All other absences are considered UNEXCUSED.

    LEAVE EARLY- Students that are picked up early from school are marked ABSENT for the time they are absent from class. Except in emergencies, students cannot be signed out after 2:30 pm.

    AUTOMATED ABSENCE/TARDY PHONE CALLS- If your student was marked absent, tardy, or unexcused, you will receive an automated call at 11 a.m. If you received this call and your student is present, or if you neglected to call about an absence, please contact the office and provide the details of the absence.