David Owen was born and raised in Douglas, Arizona, and earned his B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Arizona in Tucson. He began his career serving in the U.S. Peace Corps at Anginibaiatooa Primary, a 1st through 8th school, located on an island in The Republic of Kiribati, Central Pacific. In 2002, he returned to Arizona and was an elementary school teacher in the Balsz School District in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2006, Mr. Owen received the opportunity to be an assistant administrator in the Casa Grande Elementary School District prior to being selected as principal of Mesquite Elementary School and later at Cactus Middle School. In 2016, David transferred to the Tempe Elementary School district where he served as an instructional leader at Tempe Academy of International Studies, an international baccalaureate middle school, and served as Principal of Curry Elementary School for the last five years.
David takes pride in the accomplishments made throughout the years in working alongside dynamic educators, parents, and families in the service of helping students reach their fullest potential. In addition to assisting students with their academic success, Mr. Owen enjoys playing an active role in building community relationships.
In 2010, Mr. Owen received the Elementary School “Rookie” Principal Award from the Arizona School Administrators Association.
Husband to Dani and parent to four children, Mr. Owen enjoys being dad to Gael, Maya, Samuel and Hope. David is humbled and honored to serve as the next Principal of Cottonwood Elementary School.
David Owen