• Affordable childcare on-site for the benefit of students and families of Saguaro.

    Saguaro Elementary is proud of the partnership with the Casa Grande Alliance to bring affordable child care to our families through the Before & After School Program housed at the Saguaro campus. Enrolled students can attend as early as 6 AM and stay as late as 6 PM Monday through Friday, including school breaks and many major holidays. While at the program, students participate in a variety of activities including STEM-focused lessons. Snacks and meals are provided at no additional cost. If you are interested in signing up, please contact CG Alliance at  520-836-5022 or by emailing Saguaro@casagrandealliance.org.


    Student Council serves as an opportunity for Saguaro’s students to make a difference.

    This group promotes student involvement and academic achievement. Student council positions are open to fourth and fifth-grade students. Members of the student council assist with events such as the carnival and advocate for the betterment of Saguaro and its students.


    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports- A system that works!

    At Saguaro we use PBIS to create a system of expectations regarding behaviors. We work to acknowledge amazing behaviors through reinforcements, or rewards, and implement interventions for undesirable behaviors. The high-interest concept of video games is being utilized. Check out the slide show to see some of the highlights!