• Support the Ironwood Eagles! 
    Your help is needed in the following areas:

    • Fall Carnival
    • Spring BINGO
    • Water Day
    • School Pictures
    • PTO Donations

    These activities are important to our students and are a lot of fun for our families. PTO and Site Council meetings will be combined again this year. It is our goal to have more of a collaborative environment between all parties involved in our community. The meetings start at 3:15 p.m. and are held in the library. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month unless otherwise stated. We would love to have as many parents as possible at these meetings. Teachers are also a part of the meetings and provide valuable input and suggestions.


  • Anyone who wishes to volunteer at Ironwood school for field trips or helping out in the classroom with students must complete a volunteer application and be on the approved listing for Ironwood School prior to any school activity. If you have completed a form from previous years you do not need to do it again, but if you are a new parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle, etc. to Ironwood then a volunteer form must be completed and submitted to the front office for processing. Please stop by the front office for your form today or ask your student’s teacher to send one home for you to complete and return.