Parents Right to Know
Mesquite Elementary is a Title I school. We receive federal funds based on the percentage of students that qualify for free and reduced priced lunches. Title I funds are used to purchase supplemental materials, classroom technology, professional learning for staff, and coaching support for teachers, and educational support paraprofessionals.
Under NCLB Public Law 107, Section 1111.1, districts must notify parents of students attending Title I School-wide and Title I Targeted Assistance Programs that parents may request information on the professional qualifications of the student's teacher.
The information must state if:
The teacher meets State Qualifications/licensure requirements,
The teacher is teaching under an Emergency Teaching Certificate,
The teacher has a bachelor's degree,
The child receives services from a paraprofessional and
The qualifications of the paraprofessional.
You may obtain this information by contacting Celie Downey-Foye, Mesquite Elementary Principal at (520) 836-7787.